In his age, he probably can sit upright when propped up by blankets or pillows.
There is once, I put him on the couch for photograph purpose. He seems toppling to the side. I guess, Callum needs more training on his sitting position. Thus, there we have our second hand bumbo. I always put him on the bumbo for a very short moment so that he able to see things in different view. And I guess my mum found it useful as well. I get to tell that, Callum was putting in his bumbo when my mum is preparing the formula. It's particularly useful when you need your hand free for a short period.
And now, he knows and recognize my voice from the phone! On the other end, when I talk to him, my mum reported that, he curiously looking at the phone. It makes me miss him alot. He is playful at this stage. Whenever I talk and play with him, he can react and smile. His smile can kill me seriously and it interpretes that happiness is showering him at every moment.
He can make alot of noise now. When I put my face near his mouth as if he is kissing me, he is able to make some noise and knowing that i'm playing with him.
Recently, we have putting him on his tummy so that he get to train on lifting his head thus strengthen his neck. He likes to 'perform' whenever I take out my camera for recording. Sometimes, he behaved lazy particularly not getting enough sleep. In a way, he complaint not to train by shouting out loud without crying.
However, he might get to behave badly when he is in sleepy mode. Hann commented that he has a bad temper. And I personally know that it is inherited from my gene. He can get angry when you feeding while talking by crying out loud and push away the bottle. The new trend is, Callum wants to feed only in his room. He refused to drink milk in a bumpy car journey. Ha!
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