Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hand brand

I've been using Philips Avent Isis manual breastpump to express breastmilk and later bottle-fed my 4mo son. Recently, a small little rubber accessory attached in the breastpump was teared off. It's still usable but a little fussy as i need to dissemble and assemble the pump if it is over-sucked.

While assembling, the small little rubber is dropped into the milk storage. Why not giving me more time as I was doing it halfway, I wasn't done yet! I screamed inside me. There is no way that i can get the rubber out from storage bottle. No choice, all I've is both my hands. During prenatal class, nurse did teach us on how to express breastmilk using hand. I think this is the best time to recall my memory and practice. Surprisingly, it's easier than i was thought. Not sure if it's hygience as hands might infect bacteria.

If anyone of you going to buy a manual breastpump. My advice is, use your hands. There are equivalent tired and time consuming but different in cost. Unless you're using electric breastpump. Trust me.

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