Monday, December 7, 2009

Callum starts solids at 5mo

Couldn't wait more and started to suck his thumb

Over the weekend, I was preparing some mashed apple for Callum as trial. Surprisingly, he accepted it. He is quite actively and knowing how to use his hands now. As I spooned some mashed apple and bringing towards him, his hand came about and pushed my hand which holding the spoon. Callum is cooperative too, when the spoon approaches, he opened his mouth big and look up. He is such a genius :D

My mama dressed Callum up like a handsome to church. He looks mature i would say. My little Callum is the cuttest boy inside me. Whenever I think of him, I sing inside me with 'Callum, Callum, my boy boy!' So sweet of my little chubby Callum.

A little update of Callum development milestone. He is able to roll front and back now. When he roll on his tummy, very fast without your notice, he was on his back again! Got to watchout closely now.

I'm thinking of what i left out in order to prepare him for solids. Plate, bibs, booster chair, a food processor maybe... and possibly a variety of recipes to keep him interested and open his mouth while feeding ;)

Oh ya, I passed my mama a parenting book. She read it. Just yesterday, she requested me to buy a 0-2 yo story book for her, so that she can read for her lovable grandson. Hm, I was so surprised that she has enough time to spend in reading the book I passed to her as she really taking care of everyone in the house and i expected she has no time to spare anymore. Mama, you're my superwoman!