Monday, September 8, 2008

All About Irish Crochet

Pictures taken from crochetville's forum

I'm absolutely fall in love with irish crochet now. After seeing the end result, you'll probably be impressed. I've some free pattern of irish crochet but not started yet. As i faced some difficulties in interpreting the instruction when it comes to 'cording'. I'm confused.

Yes, I definitely need some time to figure it out. Maybe started off by reading some books in the bookstore or google it. But it seems that the search engine doesn't have much resources about irish crochet. Well, in the same time, god knows when, and somehow I pick up irish crochet easily all by myself :P

More update on my knitting and crochet project:
1. Orange blouse for myself is completed.

2. Two doilies is completed.

3. Mama's kebaya-like blouse is 85% completed. Left joining with sleeves.

4. Han's cardigan has no progress :P


Unknown said...

Look on YouTube for Irish crochet

Unknown said...

Look on YouTube for Irish crochet

Unknown said...

en YouTube encontre tutoriales de tejedoras rusas y aunque la mayoria no tienen traduccion fue facil seguir las indicaciones